Skuleskogen National Park
Two people hiking over cliffs with nice view.

Skuleskogen National Park

A wild and impressive section of the High Coast

Grandiose views of forest and sea, beautiful lakes, verdant spruce forest valleys and intriguing geological phenomena show more plainly than anywhere else that parts of Sweden have emerged from the sea. Skuleskogen National Park is a monumental area. High mountains, old-growth forest and the seacoast come together here in a landscape that is without equal in Sweden.

About Skuleskogen National Park

Current information in Skuleskogen National Park

Very dry in the national park

20 May 2024

It is at the moment very dry conditions in the national park. This means that you have to be extra careful if you make a fire. Fires are only allowed in the fixed fire places and needs to be properly extinguished before you move on. If a regional fire ban is announced fires in the national park are also prohibited. You can check if there is a current fire ban at the website of the County Administrative Board:

No national park bus this summer!

24 May 2024

There will be no national park bus going the the entrances this summer. Regional buses can drop you off close to the national park and you can walk the last bit. For more information please visit the page Getting here, or contact the visitor centre of naturum High Coast.

When should I visit?

27 May 2024

If you want to visit when it is calm and not so many people morning or evenings after 4 pm are good times to come to the national park. The visitor centre of naturum High Coast can recommend some nice evening hikes in Skuleskogen.

Visitor Information

Here, you will find everything you need to know before your visit to Skuleskogen National Park. When it is best to visit the park, how to get there and the rules you will need to follow once you are there.

Experiences and activities in Skuleskogen National Park

Sweden’s national parks offer experiences for young and old alike. Here, you can read about the wide variety of activities and sites which you can experience in Skuleskogen National Park.

More experiences in Skuleskogen National Park

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