Safety and rules
The purpose of the regulations is to protect the valuable nature in the national park.
Therefore, you may not:
- Pitch a tent in the national park anywhere except on designated campsites (by the tourist station, Nissonjohka and the Abiskojaure cabins)
- Make a fire, except on designated places. Grills are not allowed, but outdoor stoves are permitted.
- Gather or dig up plants; destroy or damage natural objects or the ground
- Damage dead or living trees
- Kill or capture fauna in the national park
- Take away eggs or nests
- Fish
- Land with aircraft (including drones) or operate a motor vehicle outside designated roads and snowmobile trails
- Visit the bird sanctuary in the Ábeskoeatnus delta area from May 1 to July 31; there is no admittance then
- Disturb grazing reindeer or the work of people handling the reindeer
But it is okay to:
- Gather edible mushrooms and berries
- Bring dogs into the park from January 1 until April 30 if they are on a leash. Throughout the year you are allowed to have leashed dogs on roads and marked trails as well as in the immediate vicinity of the Abisko Tourist station and the Ábeskojávri cabins.
- Travel by motorboat on Torneträsk lake
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