When you should visit the park
Experience all the changes of the seasons at Åsnen National Park. Hike in autumn, ski in winter, canoe in summer or stop for a while and enjoy the greenery in spring.
In spring, you can enjoy the delicate greenery when the leaves of the beech trees start to emerge. Listen to the birds singing. You may even see a stock dove.
Enjoying a whole-day walk along one of the national park’s paths through the beech forest makes you feel like you are walking beneath a canopy of beech leaves. Stop for a while, or end your walk at one of the jetties providing beautiful views across the lake, and listen to the song of the black-throated loon.
You could find lots of rare fungi in the soil, or on trees or dead wood on autumn days in September. You can see the beautiful Hericium coralloides. You could even visit the splendid cave at Trollberget on a late autumn day.
You can experience more of the national park on foot when the snow arrives at Åsnen and the lake has frozen over. But to walk across the ice, you need to know how to do so safely. Following the shoreline on the ice gives you a wonderful feeling of being able to see for miles. If you are lucky, you will see large flocks of brambling.
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