A cabin sleepover
The national park has two cabins where you can stay the night: the Angsjö cabin and the Svärmor cabin. You can stay overnight in these cabins free of charge.
About the activity
The Angsjö cabin
The cabin is perfectly situated on the edge of lake Angsjö. It is approximately 1 km from the cabin to the Angsjö entrance if you follow the red trail around the lake anticlockwise.
The Angsjö cabin is made of pine, and all elements have been created with care for materials and traditions typical of Västerbotten and Lapland.

The Svärmor cabin
Welcome to a wonderful place in the national park. The cabin is located by the Svärmor mere, just after the green trail.
The Svärmor cabin is made of spruce, and all elements have been created with care for materials and traditions typical of Västerbotten and Lapland.

You can stay the night free of charge.
It is not possible to book the cabins or reserve the beds. If the cabin is full, guests are asked to make room for new visitors or at least give them access to floorspace. New visitors have priority over guests who have already stayed for one night.
Each cabin has two bunk beds with room for six people with blankets and pillows. Two extra mattresses are available as well as additional floorspace.
The other cabin facilities are very basic. There is a frying pan, coffee pot, a simple pot and candlesticks. Bring your own candles and matches. Clean up after yourself and take all rubbish home with you.
Use the log burner correctly
If you have never used a log burner before, make sure you read the instructions posted on the wall. The trick is to light the fire using birch tinder, and open the little vent under the burner to allow air to circulate. Once there is a draught going, you can light the fire.
Drinking water
The water in the lakes and streams may be murky, but it is safe to drink. You can also bring drinking water from the spring at the Angsjö entrance, or melt snow in the winter.
Chop your own wood
Remember to bring more chopped firewood inside for the next guests. Be careful and only let children saw or chop wood under adult supervision.
Kerosene lamps
Kerosene lamps are available in the cabins. If you use them properly, they will last for a long time and light up many dark evenings in the cabins.
The whole year
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