Björnlandet National Park

Hiking in Björnlandet

Fancy a hike through Björnlandet national park? Here is a list of some of our trails.

About the activity

Certain places around the park are difficult to access, so we have created trails in a bid to make things easier for hikers. You can combine the trails however you want. The trail loops are described in an anticlockwise direction from the Angsjö entrance, except the yellow trail that goes clockwise from the Häggsjö entrance.

Map of trails, terrains and facilities

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The Guldbäck trail, 7 km/3 hours

Follow: Orange trail markings. A jam-packed trail that first takes you to Björnberget’s dry outcrop. You then continue down into the spruce forest, along the exciting brook, Guldbäck where the scent of the aniseed polypore fungus accompanies hikers through sallow covered in lungwort lichen. Onwards through the forest that burnt in 1970, all the way to the Angsjö cabin beautifully situated in a glade next to the lake of the same name. Finally, the trail passes through the heart of the national park and its 500 year-old pines, rocky terrain and giant boulders. Easy to moderate hike.

The ancient forest trail, 2.6 km/1 hour

Follow: Purple trail markings. Start at the Angsjö entrance, follow the spring towards the ramp. After a few hundred metres over the wooden boards, you reach the ancient forest. The trail takes you over a well-trodden path to a vast swathe of rocks and ancient pines. You can continue to the Angsjö cabin by combining this trail with the Angsjö trail (red). Once you reach the cabin, you have a chance to warm up, have a picnic or maybe even stay the night.

The Angsjö trail, 3.7 km/2 hours

Follow: Red trail markings Once you have passed the entrance with the ramp, information, rest area, spring and golden star sculpture, you will see the red trail as it continues over marshes and a sublime ancient forest. After about 1 km, you will reach the Angsjö cabin. If you continue around the lake, you will soon pass the Björkbäck brook and reach a hillier area. After the pine heathlands, the humidity increases along the slope to the south of Angsjön. Many giant sallow are covered in lungwort lichen. The trail is very steep, so take it easy. Finally, the trail continues to an old floating dam and beautiful arch bridge over the Angsjö brook, returning to the Angsjö entrance. You might be able to see whooper swans, common goldeneyes and goosanders as early as spring by the lake’s outlet.

The Rönnland trail, 4 km/2-3 hours

Follow: Yellow trail markings Start at the Häggsjö entrance. The Häggsjö entrance is right at the top of the fell. If you choose to continue clockwise, you will soon reach a vantage point looking over Råtjärn and the park’s wetlands. At times, the terrain can be very rocky. Wooden boards can help hikers, but there are still areas that are real “ankle twisters”. Not only does Råtjärn offer stunning views, it also has a rest area with a fire pit and benches.

The Björnland trail, 6.3 km/2-3 hours

Follow: Blue trail markings Start at either the Angsjö or Häggsjö entrance. The trail cuts straight through the park. It connects to both the Svärmor and Angsjö trails, so other combinations are possible. Easy to moderate hike.

The Svärmor trail, 12 km/5-8 hours

Follow: Green trail markings. Quite possibly the park’s most impressive trail. Start a weekend excursion on the Friday evening at the Angsjö cabin. On the Saturday, you can continue your journey to the Svärmor cabin. Follow one of the other trails up to Björnberget’s peak. Then follow the green trail to the Svärmor cabin. It is about 6 km from the Angsjö entrance to the Svärmor cabin – but remember, one kilometre through the forest can take longer.


Spring, Summer and Autumn


If you plan on going further out into the park beyond the trails, we suggest you wear boots or wellies. Otherwise, make sure to wear durable clothing. Waterproof clothing is also a good idea if it is raining or wet out. There are plenty of mosquitos during the summer months. We strongly suggest you bring insect repellent with you.

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