Safety and rules
The natural environment of Björnlandet national park is at your disposal – take good care of it. You can protect the environment by following the rules in place for visits to the national park.
It’s ok to:
- pick berries and edible mushrooms for personal use
- pitch tents and camp in zones 2 and 3. In zone 1, you may only pitch tents in the designated areas. More information about the zones below.
- light fires in the designated areas
- drive vehicles on the roads
- bring your dog, but make sure to keep it on a lead.
However, you must not:
- break branches or pick plants
- go fishing
- drive motor vehicles over the terrain
Special exemptions can be made for reindeer herding, hunting and park maintenance.
Special rules apply for the Angsjö and Svärmor cabins.

Zone 1, entrance zone
Zone 1 includes the area surrounding the entrances, the Angsjö lake, inside the Angsjö trail, the ancient forest trail and some of the Guldbäck trail, as well as the 100 m radius outside these trails, up to Björnberget. The entrance zone includes easily accessible ramps, service buildings and rest areas. In zone 1 around Angsjö, you may only light fires in the fire pits provided at the rest areas and use the firewood provided. You must not pitch your tent anywhere else than in the 10-20 m around the Angsjö cabin.
Zone 2 – activity zone
The heart of the park, where there is little human influence. Seclusion and tranquility make up the outdoor experience. The zone includes the entire trail network and the Svärmor cabin. Within this zone you can light fires using your own firewood or the firewood provided. You may camp outside of the trail area. The trail area includes the 100 metres on each side of the trails and 100 m from key landmarks, vantage points, rest areas and cabins. Elk hunting may be ongoing during the autumn and winter months.
Zone 3 – low activity zone
Made up of the core areas where human impact is low. Here, you can hunt in accordance with current provisions, camp and light fires using your own firewood.
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