Getting here
A tour boat from Oskarshamn and from Byxelkrok on Öland operates daily during the summer, starting at the beginning of June and continuing throughout August.
It is also possible to visit the island on your own boat. In that case we recommend that you make contact with the park-keepers on the island for a suitable mooring place. The surge from the Gotland ferry is very troublesome for moored boats.
Park-keepers and guides are on Blå Jungfrun from the week before midsummer until the last week in August.
For a fare list and timetable for the tour boat, visit Solkustturer.
During the season when the staff is present, the boat is met every day by two guides who talk about the island and what you should bear in mind during your hiking. They are experienced and very knowledgeable about the island. Do not hesitate to contact these guides if you have questions.
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