The national park’s main entrance at Sevedskvarn
You will find an information centre, parking places, windbreaks, fireplaces and WCs here, including a WC adapted for the disabled.
About the activity
At the main entrance there is also a nature trail adapted for the disabled with information boards and windbreaks.
Two hiking trails start from Sevedskvarn, allowing you to walk to roaring rapids in beautiful and varied natural surroundings. You can walk either to Gysinge along the water on the north-east side of Mattön island, a distance of three kilometres, or take the path upstream for 4.5 kilometres.
Other: Signs from highway 56 lead to Färnebofjärden National Park and the main entrance from the south and north via Gysinge.
Note that GPS devices and map services on the Internet direct one to the exact site where the old mill stood. The national park’s main entrance is on the other side of the bridges.
The whole year
Nationalparkens huvudentré ligger på Mattön, cirka 2,5 kilometer söder om Gysinge. Skyltar från riksväg 56 leder in till huvudentrén, både från söder och norr via Gysinge.
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