Njupeskär Sweden's highest waterfall?
Njupeskär is 93 metres high with a free fall of 70 metres. But does that make it the highest waterfall in Sweden?
About the activity
With 70 metres it is the highest free fall in Sweden!
When you measure the height of a waterfall you also count the small streams and falls directly before and after the main fall - and then, Njupeskär is in fact not the highest waterfall in Sweden. And if we look across the border to Norway, they have 10 of the world's 30 highest waterfalls!
The sound of great volumes of water crashing down is almost deafening, and the falling water creates a thick fog that a large number of unusual mosses and lichens like.
It is easy to walk to Njupeskär during the summer, all you need is jogging shoes. The trail has gravel and wooden trails and parts of it can be done with stroller or wheelchair. Please ask the staff at naturum, the visitor center, if you have any questions. The trail is a bit steep at places.
BUT, keep in mind that there is still some snow and ice on the trail in the beginning of June, and the first snow comes in October.
Do not go down in the Njupeskär gorge if there is still snow on the mountain sides and on the trail leading up to the waterfall. There is a great risk of avalanches and snow, ice and rocks can come falling down.
Njupeskär is worth a visit in the winter to, but remember that the trail is a summer trail, which can be hard to spot in the winter and as mentioned above - do not go down in the gorge.
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