Some trails of Fulufjället National Park are suited for the elderly, very young children or for those with some form of disability. Read more about it here, or contact us for more information.
The main entrance is equipped with accessible facilities. There is a parking area right outisde naturum for people with disabilities. To find it, simply drive past the bridge at the entrance and the parking is located to your left.
Lavskrika trail _starts by the naturum visitor centre_ is accessible by both wheelchair and stroller. It is about 2 kilometres long through the old growth forest and the mire. This is a rocky gravel trail with some wooden footbridges along the way. You may need some assistance after Gammelfjällsloken wind shelter.
Part of the Njupeskär trail is also accessible by both stroller and wheelchair. With strength of minimum two helpers you can get as far as the Njupeskär cabin, where you have a nice view of the waterfall. It is a gravel trail with STEEP slopes. Having a freewheel is an advantage.
Remember that you are on a mountain when you are outside of the accessible part of the national park. The trails and paths ascend and descend, are rocky and when in the forest are comprised of roots and narrower parts. To get to the footbridge on the image above, you have to go down steep stairs of about 70 steps.
Feel free to come talk to us at the naturum visitor centre before going out, to receive more information about the state of the trails, and which may be suited to you.
The trails at all the entrances have signs and markings. There are wooden footbridges over the most humid parts and bridges over the widest streams on the mountain.
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