Hamra is known for its high concentration of bears.

Because of all the deadwood in the forest, many species of beetles, woodpeckers, owls and other hole-dwelling birds do well here. Capercaillies are here as well. Migratory birds such as whooper swans and cranes stop over in the wetlands during spring. You can also see the courtship rituals of the black grouse here and observe other swamp-dwelling birds such as the common snipe, green shank, wood sandpiper and common sandpiper.
Hamra is known for its high concentration of bears, but it also is home to other large predators: wolves, lynx, wolverines and golden eagles. Elk and beaver also flourish around the wetlands.
In the Svartån river there are salmon trout, miller’s thumb and minnows. Along the stream you can see dippers and otters dive for food.
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