Here you find the contact information that helps you prepare for your visit in Hamra National Park.
Tourist information office
Tourist information office in Järvsö-Ljusdal:
- Phone: +46 651 403 06
- E-mail: turism@ljusdal.se
- Address: Stationsgatan 2, 820 40 Järvsö
- Tourist information office in Järvsö-Ljusdal's website
Tourist information office in Orsa:
- Phone: +46 248 79 72 00
- E-mail: info@siljan.se
- Address: Dalagatan 1,794 30 Orsa
- Tourist information office in Orsa's website
Hamra Conference & Vildmarkscenter AB:
- Telephone: +46 65 73 50 86
- Address: Hamra Konferens & Vildmarkscenter AB, Hamra Skolväg 6, 820 51 Hamra
- E-mail: info@hamravild.com
- Hamra vild's website
STF Fågelsjö/Gästis Hostel:
- Phone: +46 76 186 30 03
- E-mail: info@fagelsjo.nu
- Address: Fågelsjövägen 239, 82050 Los
- Svenska Turistforeningen - Fågelsjö's website
For general questions about management
Contact the County Administrative Board of Gävleborg.
Rie Stagegaard:
- Phone: +46 10 225 12 42
- E-mail: rie.stagegaard@lansstyrelsen.se
Karin Brolin:
- Phone: +46 10 225 14 93
- E-mail: karin.brolin@lansstyrelsen.se
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