Haparanda Skärgård National Park
Experience the beautiful gems of Sweden’s northernmost archipelago, which consists of hundreds of small islands
There are many destinations in the archipelago and along the coast, everything from long, sandy swimming beaches to excellent berry-picking ground and fishing spots. Many of the islands have settlements ranging from weekend cottages to old fishing camps.
About Haparanda Skärgård National ParkVisitor Information
Here, you will find everything you need to know before your visit to Haparanda Skärgård National Park. When it is best to visit the park, how to get there and the rules you will need to follow once you are there.
Experiences and activities in Haparanda Skärgård National Park
Sweden’s national parks offer experiences for young and old alike. Here, you can read about the wide variety of activities and sites which you can experience in Haparanda Skärgård National Park.
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