About Muddus/Muottos National Park
Muddus/Muttos is Sweden´s largest forest nationalpark. Muttos is part of Laponia, a Unesco World Heritage Site.
Hiking trail makes it easy to explore large parts of the national park. There also are paths that follow ancient migratory routes, passing by five cabins with sleeping accommodations that are open year-round.
In the national park you can also see remnants of settlements that were here about 100 years ago.
In the south the national park slopes down towards the Luleälven river and the elevation drops by 200 metres in just 10 kilometres. The Muttosädno river conveys water away from the large marshes via the renowned Muttos waterfall. Farther to the east is Måskosgårsså, a box canyon that looks like a notch in the middle of nature.
Silent primeval forest
Muddus/Muttos National Park is one of the quietest places in Sweden. Researchers who have measured the sound level have shown that this and similar primeval forest areas are quieter than all other kinds of nature.
Muttos is part of Laponia, a Unesco World Heritage Site
In 1996 Muttos became a part of the Laponia World Heritage. It also inlcudes the national parks Sare, Stora Sjöfallet/Stuor Muorkke and Padjelanta/Badjelánnda, together with Stubbá and Sjávnja natures reserves, among other smaller areas.
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