Getting here
The gateways to all of the national parks in Laponia are the communities of Jokkmokk and Gällivare.
To get to the southern part of Padjelanta/Badjelánnda, the Kvikkjokk area is the best starting point. Buses travel from Jokkmokk to Huhttán/Kvikkjokk.
Entrance from the north
If you want to enter Padjelanta/Badjelánnda from the north, there are communications from both Gällivare and Jokkmokk. Several trains a day go to the Gällivare railway station. The bus station is adjacent to the train. From Jokkmokk you can take a bus via Porjus for travel farther along “Vägen Västerut” (the Way West), a road connecting the entire alpine region.
From Rijtjem, which is at the terminus of the road, a tourist boat travels across Lake Áhkkájávrre. After hiking for a half day to a full day, you will be in the national park.
The Laponia entrance
The Laponia entrance in Huhttán/Kvikkjokk has information for visitors about the Sarek and Padjelanta/Badjelánnda national parks. At all information sites there will be links to digital media guides.
Flights and helicopters
From the airports in Gällivare and Luleå there are bus connections to and from the alpine areas. All of the main towns have car rentals available.
It is also possible to fly by helicopter, either on regularly scheduled flights during the summer to Huhttán/Kvikkjokk–Stáloluokta–Rijtjem or on taxi flights for landings outside the national park.
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