In Pieljekaise you can get around on foot or by skis. Snowmobiles may be operated only outside the national park as far as the park boundary.
Trails are not groomed or put in order in any way, except that there are signs and markers. There are both differences in altitude and uneven stretches.
Trails and cottages
Three kilometres from Jäckvik, near the National Park boundary on the north side, there is an open rest cottage with a stove.
Inside the National Park, along Kungsleden (the King’s Trail), is Pieljekaise cottage, which always is open as a rest hostel. The key to the bedroom can be rented from shops in Jäckvik and Adolfström. Around the National Park, the nearest places to rent housing are in Adolström and Jäckvik. Please kontakt the Tourist information in Arjeplog for more information.
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