Näske sheds
Use of the grazing land with summer dwellings by the sea began in the mid-19th century as an outpost for Baltic herring fishing in the spring.
About the activity
3.8 km from the North Entrance.
The buildings were moved here in 1867 from the original grazing land a few kilometres farther north. In the summer the grazing land offers a varied meadow flora with lanceleaf grapefern, mountain everlasting, yarrow, hoary cinquefoil and other interesting plants.
The southern part of the grazing land is an excellent place to pitch a tent. You will find a composting toilet, fireplace, wood and benches a stone’s throw from here adjacent to a log cabin south of the brook. The cabin has four wide beds and a wood-fired stove.
A handful of privately owned summer cabins north of the summer grazing land are not part of the national park, and visitors are urged to respect their privacy.
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