Skuleskogen National Park
The building of naturum at the foot of Skuleberget.Foto: Johanna Öhrling

Visitor centre

The visitor centre of naturum High Coast lies at the foot of Skuleberget mountain, right next to route E4 and centrally located in the High Coast World Heritage Site.

During the peak season (May-September) naturum is the natural starting point for visits to the national park and the High Coast World Heritage Site. Here the knowledgeable personnel can help you with questions before your visit to Skuleskogen and other destinations in the High Coast World Heritage Site. You can also:

  • Get a free folder over the national park and a number of other folders and maps.
  • Learn more about Skuleskogen and the High Coast in the exhibition. 
  • Buy food, coffee and ice cream and refill your water bottles. mat och fika, samt fylla på dina vattenflaskor (there is no such services in the national park).

Right next to Naturum, there is a year-round outdoor exhibit with information about the national park. Here you can read about Skuleskogen when the visitor centre is closed for the season.

Karta copyright Henrik Reintz

The visitor centre of naturum High Coast is located approximately 10 kilometers from the south entrance (Entré Syd) and west entrance (Entré Väst) of the national park. If you need more information about finding your way to naturum or the national park please visit the page linked below. 

getting here

Guided activities all year round

The visitor centre of naturum High Coast holds a number of guided hikes and activities all year round, some adapted for children and families. For more information about the visitor centre of naturum High Coast, activities coming up and the World Heritage site of the High Coast and Kvarken Archipelago visit:

The visitor centre of naturum High Coast

Visiting the national park in winter?

Even if the visitor centre is closed during winter there is always knowledgeble personnel available to answer your questions about the national park.

Phone: +46 613 700 200

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