Söderåsen National Park
close up of three whopper swansFoto: Söderåsens nationalpark


Here, you will find everything you need to know before your visit to Söderåsen National Park. When it is best to visit, how to get here and the rules you will need to follow once you have arrived in the national park.

The national park has two main entrances, Entré Skäralid and Entré Röstånga. It is easy to get to the national park by public transport, by bike or by car. Both entrances have large parking areas but are limited to how many cars can fit. In Skäralid there are approximately 150 parking spaces.

During weekends and in the summer months, there are many people who  will visit the national park which means that the car park can get crowded.
Please visit the "Getting here" page for details about alternative travelling and how to find your way to the different entrances.

Fire hazard - the following applies for the national park.

We conform to the Rescue services with regards to fire hazard levels in the national park.
If the fire hazard level is 5E - There is a total fire ban and signs will be put up.
These instructions must be followed.
To know the current fire hazard status check the webpage of each municipality, as below.                                                         

Please note: Within the national park you are allowed to make fires only in designated fire places. If you are unsure - please check with the staff in the visitor centre.

Please note that during a long, dry summer our wells might dry out.
Please bring your own water to be on the safe side.
There will always be water by the visitor centre in Skäralid

Don't leave valuables in your car.

Pleace be adviced that you should make sure to empty your car yourself.
Don't leave valuables in your car.
Pack at home not in the car park.
There has (unfortunately) been thefts.

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