Söderåsen National Park
Green lawn with the Skärdammen pond in the rearFoto: Söderåsens nationalpark


Here you will find contact information that may help you to prepare for your visit in Söderåsen National Park.

Postal address

Söderåsen National Park
Skäralid 747
264 53 Ljungbyhed


For any questions with regards to hiking trails, rest areas, dangerous trees or other obstacles you encounter while hiking.

Visitor centre
(naturum Söderåsen - Entré Skäralid)

For any questions with regards to nature information, nature interpretation and the visitor centre.

Entré Röstånga

You can alway visit the national park via the south entrance - Entré Röstånga.
It is easy to find - as it is by the Tourist information in Röstånga.
In the tourist information you will get answers to all your questions about accommodation, food, activities in the area but the staff will also help you with any questions about the national park.

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