Söderåsen National Park
Foto: Rike Weber

Visitor centre

Naturum Söderåsen is a visitor centre located at Entré Skäralid - the entrance to Söderåsens national park. Here you will find inspiration and nature guidance to get out into nature. You will meet knowledgeable staff who can help you with your questions about the national park, the trails, and about its nature.

Naturum functions as a gateway to nature. In the visitor centre there is an exhibition and an experience room. In the experience room you will find many activities such as a video microscope, craft table, "life in the stump", and an interactive wall.

In the exhibition, the hidden life is highlighted. Mosses, lichens and small insects have the main role when you as a visitor are given the opportunity to get to know the area through new perspectives. The exhibition is based on interactivity and self-exploration, and you get to follow the beech-trees life journey, dive underground, and experience the mountain from the inside.

Details from the exhibition. Photo: Söderåsens national park


Inside the visitor centre. Photo: Rike Weber

The visitor centre opening hours

Naturum will open at Easter
Exact opening hours for the season have yet to be determined.
We will post the opening hours as soon as we can.

Welcome into the visitor centre. Photo: Söderåsens national park


At naturum we offer activities and guided tours for children and adults:

  • Take part in our program activities such as the "nature mischief" and/or guided tours in the national park. 
  • Discover the national park on your own with a walk around the pond, try the quiz, try a challenge or do the nature bingo.
  • Borrow a  magnifying glass, binoculars or an explorer's bagpack and discover Söderåsen's animals and plants.
  • We are happpy to show you around the exhibition, come to the information desk if you are interested. 
    Come  to the information desk if you would like to join in.
  • Discover the whole of Söderåsen with our hiking challenge:
    Hike to 20 nice places throughout Söderåsen, collect unique nature experiences! The hiking challenge map can be downloaded here or picked up in the visitor centre. Keep in mind that different rules apply depending on where you are - hiking areas, nature reserves or national parks. Be sure to know what applies for the area you are in.
    Söderåsens hiking challenge map - download

Current program activities and information can also be found on our Facebook page

Learn how to use binoculars - a programme activity. Photo Rike Weber.

Guided tours for groups:

If you are a group, you can book a presentation which will be held outside the visitor centre. The presentation will last approximately 15 minutes.
Presentations are free of charge for all groups and are offered on weekdays, during naturum's opening hours.

If you as a private group would like to book a guided tour, we refer primarily to our certified guides and partners.
We will be happy to help you find the right one.

On a guided tour.

Visitor centre - Naturum

If you have any questions you are welcome to contact the naturum with/via any of the contact details below.

Nature guides are available via
phone 010 224 11 50 or
e-mail naturum.soderasen@lansstyrelsen.se

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