Within the national park there are plenty of marked summer trails, everything from short child-friendly trips to day-long trips along the mountaintop. You can also go on excellent trips spanning several days in the national park.
About the activity
Paths and trails usually are well-marked and easy to follow. Cairns or posts delineate the summer trails.
Nyvallen, Nysätern and Dalsvallen are natural starting points for both shorter and longer trips on your own or with a guide.
The only rest hostel in the park is in Sododalen.
There are cabins for rent under private management.
For the most part, the paths and trails are well-marked and easy to follow, but it’s always good to have a map and compass with you. In your backpack you should also have rainwear and maybe a cap and gloves as well. It is good to bring along a water bottle because there is not always access to water.
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