Getting here
The gateways to all of the national parks in Laponia are both the Jokkmokk and Gällivare communities.
To make your way to the southern Padjelanta/Badjelánnda and Sarek national parks, the best starting point is the Kvikkjokk area. Buses from Jokkmokk go to Huhttán/Kvikkjokk.
Starting from Gällivare and Jokkmokk
To get to Stora Sjöfallet/Stuor Muorkke National Park, you can start from either Gällivare or Jokkmokk. The two communities are gateways to all of the national parks and nature reserves in the Laponia World Heritage Site. Several trains a day leave from the Gällivare railway station. The bus station is next to the train. From Jokkmokk you can take a bus via Porjus to travel farther along the Way West, which leads into the national park.
Car, bus or helicopter?
From the airports in Gällivare and Luleå, there are bus connections to and from the alpine areas. Car rentals are available at all of the main towns. In the national parks it is possible to get around by helicopter, both via scheduled flights and via taxi flights for landing outside the national parks.
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