Store Mosse National Park

Store Mosse National Park

A sea of Sphagnum with stunted pines and cranberries.

Store Mosse is the largest marsh area in southern Sweden. To call it a “marsh sea” is not an overstatement – these are impressive expanses reminiscent of mountain regions.

About Store Mosse National Park

Status in Store Mosse National Park

Summer opening hours at naturum

17 June 2024

From 24 June, the summer season starts. Then we are open every day between 11-17. NOTE, during Midsummer naturum is closed, but you are most welcome to visit the national park and walk the trails and enjoy the Swedish summer!

Take the shuttle to the park!

17 June 2024

Now it is possible to go with André's shuttle from the station at Hillerstorp to the national park. Read more under Visitor information - Getting here

Tea @ the Park

17 June 2024

Help researchers collect data! Discover the role of soil and climate in decomposition and carbon cycle. As a visitors to Store Mosse National Park you can pick up a science kit at the visitor centre and collect scientific data at home. The research group collects the same data in the national park. Together, we investigate the decomposition process in urban and natural ecosystems.

Current information

Visitor Information

Here, you will find everything you need to know before your visit to Store Mosse National Park. When it is best to visit the park, how to get there and the rules you will need to follow once you are there.

Experiences and activities in Store Mosse National Park

Sweden’s national parks offer experiences for young and old alike. Here, you can read about the wide variety of activities and sites which you can experience in Store Mosse National Park.

More experiences in Store Mosse National Park

Sweden's National Parks on Social Media

Follow Store Mosse National Park and Sweden’s national parks on Instagram: @storemosse  @sveriges_nationalparker

More about Sweden’s national parks on social media.

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