The bird tower is being repainted
27 August 2024
During the autumn we will repaint the bird tower, but it is open to visit!
Store Mosse is the largest marsh area in southern Sweden. To call it a “marsh sea” is not an overstatement – these are impressive expanses reminiscent of mountain regions.
About Store Mosse National Park27 August 2024
During the autumn we will repaint the bird tower, but it is open to visit!
28 August 2024
From 1 October naturum will be open as follow: Monday and Tuesday, at 9-13 Sundays at 10-16
06 October 2024
Tony Blom is a nature guide and is a certified partner to naturum and Store Mosse national park! He runs the company Utmark Sweden, where he gives talks, lectures and courses in nature knowledge and survival. With four years of sleeping outside and an average of 200 nights a year, he is a naturalist like few and is happy to share his knowledge. Both Sweden's natural laws and our "right to roam" (Allemansrätt) are quite snarky when we go in depth. Tony sorts out the narrowness. Warm welcome! Please book directly at naturum Store Mosse.
Here, you will find everything you need to know before your visit to Store Mosse National Park. When it is best to visit the park, how to get there and the rules you will need to follow once you are there.
Sweden’s national parks offer experiences for young and old alike. Here, you can read about the wide variety of activities and sites which you can experience in Store Mosse National Park.
Follow Store Mosse National Park and Sweden’s national parks on Instagram: @storemosse @sveriges_nationalparker
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