One of few lime-rich fens in the highlands of Småland. The vegetation is completely different from other parts of the National Park.
About the activity
The Björnekullakärret fen is probably the county’s finest lime-rich fen, and by the county’s standards, it is large – about 5 hectares. Many rare and threatened species thrive here, including several different orchids, lime-rich fen mosses and the Geyer's whorl snail (Vertigo geyeri).
The country administrative board is working on restoring and managing more than 60 lime-rich fens in the county so that their high nature values are not lost.
The Björnekullakärret fen is situated at the very southern end of the National Park. In Andersberg you can park your car. From there a short trail leads to the fen. A board walk crosses the fen, so you can visit it without getting too wet!
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