Store Mosse National Park have parking lots at all entrances. During the high seasons, such as summer and school holidays, they get easily crowded. Then, it is especially important to keep in mind the rules that apply to parking in the national park, which you can read about below.
In Store Mosse National Park, you do not have to pay for parking – but remember to park correctly! National parks have their own regulations, some of them regarding parking. In Store Mosse National Park, it is prohibited to park outside of designated parking lots, according to NFS 2015:8, 3§ 6. There are signs at the parking lots explaining where you are allowed to park. Below you can find a link to the full regulations regarding Store Mosse.
- Link to NFS 2015:8 (in Swedish)
To keep order at the parking lots, we get help from a parking company. They are, among other things, responsible for the signs. If you receive a parking ticket that you think is unfair, you must appeal to the parking company. You can reach Smart Park via the number: (+46)771 80 88 80 or email: overklagan@smartp.se.
We have parking lots at all our entrances. You can find information about the different entrances though the link below, as well as a map showing the different parking lots.
- Link to entrance page (in swedish)
Regarding motorhomes and overnight parking
There is no motorhome stopover at the national park. This means that there is no possibility to stay overnight in your car or motorhome. However, motorhome travelers are welcome to use our parking lots the same way as other motorists – BUT! notice the signs. A motorhome or a van may not park on a parking marked with “class 1 vehicles”. If you want to stay overnight in the park, you can read about how to do this through the link below. You can also find a map which shows nearby camp sites, where you can stay overnight in your motorhome.
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