Fishing in lakes
Within Töfsingdalen, fishing is not allowed. However, the Storån river and Lake Hävlingen are some of Dalarna’s most well-known fishing waters for char.
About the activity
Anglers have found their way here since the 19th century. One who made the fishing here known far beyond Scandinavia’s borders was Nils Färnström, one of Sweden’s most renowned fly fishermen and an author of several books on fishing.
In the Storån river only fly fishing is allowed. In Lake Havlingen all fishing with handheld tackle is permitted. At the Hävlingestugorna cabins you can rent a boat or canoe and buy a fishing licence. Several cabins with sleeping accommodations are available.
The Dala Fjällfiskekort is valid in this area, except for the Storån river, which has a fly fishing licence with special regulations and limits.
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