The Sami people have worked in and around Töfsingdalen for a long time.
Until the 20th century there was a Sami settlement with about 40 people who lived in Sami huts by Lake Töfsingen just north of the national park. Nowadays the national park is part of the reindeer grazing land of the Idre Sami group engaged in reindeer husbandry.
Töfsingdalen National Park is 16 square kilometres in size and was formed in 1930, making it one of the first national parks created in Sweden. Its selection is said to have happened quickly. In the 1920s employees of what was to become the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency stood at the top of Storvätteshogna mountain and gazed over the Töfsingdalen valley. From there they drew the boundaries of the future national park directly on a map.
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