Here you find the contact information that helps you prepare for your visit in Töfsingdalen National Park.
Visitor centre
Fulufjället Naturum, visitor centre in Fulufjället National Park:
- Phone: +46 10 22 50 349
- E-mail: naturum.fulufjallet@lansstyrelsen.se
The Dalarna County Administrative Board administers Töfsingdalen National Park:
- Phone: +46 10 22 50 000
- The Dalarna County administratiave Board's website
The county administrative board’s office in Idre:
- Phone: +46 10 22 50 374
Hävlingestugorna cabins:
- Phone: +46 253 20 115
- havlingen.dalarna@lansstyrelsen.se
The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency owns the land in the national park:
Tourist information
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