Accomodation and camping
Inside the national park there are no rest areas or accommodation possibilities. But in the vicinity of the park there are both wind shelter, rest protection and cabins.
Resting places and camping
There are picnic areas in Långfjället along Storån, around Hävlingen and north of the park at Töfsingen and Slagufjället. It is permitted to camp and fire inside Töfsingdalens National Park in a zone 600 meters from Storån and Lake Töfsingen. The same applies to the area around Storån and Hävlingen where camping and firing are only permitted at special rest areas.
At Hävlingestugarna there is a cabin host on site from the end of February-mid April and the end of June-the first week of September. Other time there is an overnight cottage. Rental cottages are also available at Spångkojan, Siljanskojan and Töfsinghån.
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