Clothes and equipment
Clothes suited to the weather and comfortable shoes are recommended.
Waterproof clothes are always good to bring along, as are comfortable athletic shoes and hiking boots. During snowy and icy winters it can be good to have ice cleats under foot. The trails can be very slippery, especially those that many walk on.
A backpack is good for carrying lunch and snacks, and perhaps also binoculars and a camera. Don´t forget swim clothes if you plan to take a swim in the lakes!
During summer, mosquito and tick repellent may be needed.
If you plan to spend the night or use the fireplaces, you probably need to bring along a knife, matches and some combustible material with which to start a fire. Keep informed of possible fire bans, and make sure fires are completely extinguished when done. Firewood is supplied to all fireplaces by Tyresta’s park rangers.
Maps of and information about the national park are available at the naturum and the entrances.
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