Rest, eat and stay
Here you will find information on where to rest, eat and stay in Tyresta National Park.
Rest area and toilets
For those who bring their own food and wish to eat it indoors, there are two daytime rest cabins near the cafe in Tyresta village. Dogs are allowed in one of them. Note that it is not allowed to spend the night here.
There are toilet facilities in Tyresta village at the naturum, the cafe, the farm and the tenting area. At the national park’s fire and resting places there are outdoor toilets only at Stensjödal and Årsjön lake.
Fireplaces and barbecue
There are fire and resting places at all lakes. It is only there, plus at the fire and resting place next to the village cafe, that lighting fires is permitted. All are shown on the map, and are provided with a supply of firewood by Tyresta’s park rangers. We kindly ask you to pay for the wood via swish or at the visitor centre naturum. Keep informed of possible fire bans, which are common during the summer.
Drinking water
Drinking water is available at several places in Tyresta village. There are also several pumps for drinking water in the eastern parts of Tyresta: Stensjödal (at the tenting area next to a big house); Fridhem (follow the road east); Spirudden (after the exit to the old house, on your left side); Styvnäset and Åvaviken Bay (next to the information board).
You can also find a natural spring beside Sörmlandsleden trail near the Höjden entrance. It is recommended that you do not drink the water in the lakes.
Food nearby
In Tyresta village there is a café and a country store with sausage grilling. There is no grocery store.
Tyresta village cafe
Tyresta’s cosy cafe is housed in Dahlgrensgården farm, which dates back to the 1700s. The cafe serves simple lunch dishes such as pies and soups, and lots of good pastries with coffee. Ecological emphasis, and home-baked; vegetarian alternatives available. Enjoy your coffee break outdoors or in the old horse stable. It is also possible to order a picnic basket for a wander in the woods. The cafe is accessible to wheelchairs.
Village shop
At Tyresta Farm in the village there is also a small village shop where you can buy coffee, other beverages and lovely sausages to grill by yourself on the wood-fired grill just outside. Sausages of lamb and beef from the farm. Vegetarian alternatives and gluten-free sausage rolls also available.
The store also sells raw lamb and beef, lambskins and, when available, eggs from ducks and hens. On the shelves can be found Swedish products, including local and for the most part hand-produced ecological products such as honey, preserves, sweets, juices, skin care products and artistic handicrafts.
In Tyresta National Park it is only permitted to set up tents and light fires at the places that are shown on the map.
Tenting in the national park
If you want to spend the night in the national park, you are referred to the wind shelters at lakes Årsjön, Långsjön and Lanan. Tents may be set up for a maximum of 24 hours at all windshelters, and at all fire and resting places close to the fireplaces. All such places are indicated on the map. Tent sites cannot be reserved, and the number is limited. The fire and resting area at Årsjön lake has the most sites and an outdoor toilet.
Within Tyresta Nature Reserve, which surrounds the national park, Sweden’s right of public access applies. It permits you to tent anywhere for maximum 2 days of your choice, but not to light fires everywhere.
Tenting in Tyresta village
In Tyresta, tenting is allowed in the meadow at the end of the village road. From here you can see beautiful sunsets over the grazing pastures and Tyresta Farm. Here you will also find an outdoor sink and toilet. Camp fires are not allowed here.
Organised camping activities, groups.
Organised camping activitites are not allowed in the national park. Groups are instead referred to the tenting area at Stensjödal which has a fire and resting place, drinking water and an outdoor toilet. It must be booked in advance. Other groups may overnight at the same time.
- E-mail: bokning@tyresta.se
Lillgården and Janssongården - charming accomodation in Tyresta village
In Tyresta village, where the main entrance to the national park is situated, there are two different houses for rent. It is the perfect place to stay if you wish to stay in a red cottage in a traditional rural setting and several hiking routes start here that will take you into the heart of the ancient forest.
More information and booking can be found via Airbnb
If you have any questions, please contact us via bokning@tyresta.se or +46 (0)73-372 76 50.
Styvnäset - accomodation in beatiful archipelago setting
Styvnäset dates back to the 17th century and is situated just outside the national park. The accomodation is basic and situated in a beatiful archipelago setting along Gränöfjärden, Baltic Sea. The cottage is for rent during summer and for one week minimum. You need a boat or be prepared for a walk in order to reach the place (ca 3 km).
More information and booking via AirBnb: Styvnäset
Om du har vidare frågor är du välkommen att höra av dig på bokning@tyresta.se eller +46 73-372 76 50
Prinsvillan Hostel
Just north of Tyresta national park you can spend the night at the hostel Prinsvillan in the beatiful setting of Tyresö castle. The nearest entrance to Tyresta is entrance Nyfors.
Mjölnarbostaden - perfect for your school class
At the entrance to Stensjödal lies Mjölnarbostaden, beautifully situated by Nedre dammen, the lower dam. The building has 30 beds with pillows, but no blankets. There is no electricity, but a gas stove for cooking and kerosene lamps for lighting. Drinking water available in a well just outside. May be hired from Tyresta Forest Foundation during April–October for SEK 1850 per 24-hour day. Booking and questions via e-mail to bokning@tyresta.se
Next to Mjölnarbostaden is a large meadow where large groups can spend the night in the national park. There is no charge to tent there, but groups must book in advance via e-mail to bokning@tyresta.se
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