Vadvetjåkka National Park is 26 square kilometres in size and lies in a roadless countryside, 10 kilometres from the closest road.
In the north Vadvetjåkka borders Norway. You will find a glacier, limestone caves and a delta here. The park’s main attractions are the delta, the flora on the southern slope, bird life in the delta, the national park’s caves and the view from the upper reaches of the mountain.
Before you visit Vadvetjåkka, you should be aware that there are no government-maintained trails or facilities in the national park. To reach the park you must walk 11 kilometres from the nearest road (E10) on a summer trail.
In naturum Abisko (Abisko Visitor´s Centre) and in Kiruna tourist office, there are leaflets about Vadvetjåkka National Park. The leaflet is available in Swedish, English and German.
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