Choose what you want to listen to here, either to some general information about the swedish national parks, or more about each park.
About the Swedish National Parks
- 1. Sweden´s 30 national parks (mp3 45 kB)
- 2. Discover Sweden's national park (mp3 440 kB)
- 3. Why are national parks necessary (mp3 237 kB)
- 4. Sweden's protected nature (mp3 279 kB)
- 5. World class (mp3 251 kB)
- 6. The white-backed woodpecker's food source dried up (mp3 392 kB)
- 7. Sweden's six major habitat types mountains (mp3 151 kB)
- 8. Sweden's six major habitat types lakes and watercourses (mp3 213 kB)
- 9. Sweden's six major habitat types coast and sea (mp3 218 kB)
- 10. Sweden's six major habitat types broadleaved forests (mp3 198 kB)
- 11. Sweden's six major habitat types wetland (mp3 215 kB)
- 12. Sweden's six major habitat types coniferous forests (mp3 202 kB)
- 13. Information about each national park can be found at "More about each national park" (mp3 44 kB)
- 14. Everything is waiting to be seen (mp3 502 kB)
- 15. National parks: past, present and future (mp3 790 kB)
- 16. No right of public access (mp3 166 kB)
- 17. Hints before you visit the park (mp3 346 kB)
- 18. Small items for a bigger experience (mp3 296 kB)
- 19. Contact (mp3 90 kB)
More about each National Park
- Abisko nationalpark (mp3 104 kB)
- Björnlandet nationalpark (mp3 130 kB)
- Blå Jungfrun nationalpark (mp3 129 kB)
- Dalby Söderskog nationalpark (mp3 115 kB)
- Djurö nationalpark (mp3 123 kB)
- Färnebofjärden nationalpark (mp3 128 kB)
- Fulufjället nationalpark (mp3 142 kB)
- Garphyttan nationalpark (mp3 133 kB)
- Gotska Sandön nationalpark (mp3 121 kB)
- Hamra nationalpark (mp3 96 kB)
- Haparanda Skärgård nationalpark (mp3 145 kB)
- Kosterhavet nationalpark (mp3 104 kB)
- Muddus / Muottos nationalpark (mp3 99 kB)
- Norra Kvill nationalpark (mp3 129 kB)
- Padjelanta / Badjlánnda nationalpark (mp3 118 kB)
- Pieljekaise nationalpark (mp3 136 kB)
- Sarek nationalpark (mp3 130 kB)
- Skuleskogen nationalpark (mp3 173 kB)
- Söderåsen nationalpark (mp3 132 kB)
- Sonfjället nationalpark (mp3 135 kB)
- Stenshuvud nationalpark (mp3 124 kB)
- Stora Sjöfallet / Stuor Muorkke nationalpark (mp3 151 kB)
- Store Mosse nationalpark (mp3 137 kB)
- Tiveden nationalpark (mp3 92 kB)
- Töfsingdalen nationalpark (mp3 90 kB)
- Tresticklan nationalpark (mp3 131 kB)
- Tyresta nationalpark (mp3 146 kB)
- Vadvetjåkka nationalpark (mp3 113 kB)
- Ängsö nationalpark (mp3 113 kB)
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