About the activity
Sunnabron entrance and Bjurkärr
Västra Torpaslingan – 0.9 km
Västra Torpaslingan links together the Sunnabron entrance and Bjurkärr. This path runs along the shoreline through swamp forest and beech forest, and passes the nature reserve.
Östra Torpaslingan – 0.3 km
Östra Torpaslingan passes from the eastern end of the Sunnabron entrance to the location of the remains of Torpet Sundet, near the bridge. These paths are suitable for wheelchairs and buggies.
Bokslingan – 1.7 km
Step into the heart of the ancient beech forest, with its rich plant and animal life. This path starts and ends at the Bjurkärr car park. There is a rest area in a glade along the southern part. Suitable for wheelchairs and buggies.
Strandslingan – 2.6 km
This slightly longer path passes nearer to the shoreline, through ancient beech forest and, occasionally, through ancient pine forest. This is a narrow path, rocky in parts.
Toftåsa marshlands footpaths
Toftåsa my runt – 6 km
Marshlands and the surrounding pine forests can be seen here. Crowberry plants, bog-rosemary and marsh Labrador tea are typical plants for this area. Linnaea borealis grows on solid ground. Cranes and black grouse can be heard here in spring. These paths are narrow and frequently cross peatland that is waterlogged for parts of the year.
Bergön footpath
Stig – 1.6 km
There is an old farm on the island of Bergön. A narrow path begins at the farm and continues out into the virgin forest-like mixed forest The terrain here is hilly, and the forest is full of boulders and old trees covered in mosses and lichens.
Cycle trail
This trail, which can be found on the disused railway embankment, is part of the Åsnen runt and Banvallsleden cycle trails. This trail is largely free of cars. The trail passes through the small station communities along the western side of the lake, offering plenty of views across the lake.
Canoe trail
The Värendsleden canoe trail runs between Asa and Granö and covers a total distance of 120 km. Prepared accommodation can be found along this trail, and this can be used for a fee. There is space for tents, and windbreaks, outdoor toilet facilities, refuse disposal facilities and campfire areas are available in most cases. This trail passes along the western and south-western shores of Lake Åsnen.
Trollberget footpaths
Trollsvansen – 0.3 km
A path between the car park and the Trollberget entrance. This path rounds the mythical mountain with its “cave”. Suitable for wheelchairs and buggies, but with a certain incline at times.
If you would prefer a flat path to the entrance, we recommend the road signposted for disabled vehicles – the yellow path with black edges on the map.
Skogsslingan – 2.2 km
This path passes through several different forest types, deciduous forests and pine forests, with varying kinds of bird life, etc. In the middle of the promontory is a small, sandy beach where you can swim. This path is narrow and rocky in parts, and it occasionally crosses peatland that is waterlogged for parts of the year.
The whole year
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